Acne Breakouts Again?
Out of the blue, you have those annoying pimples! Why did your once flawless skin get these red bumps? Acne breakout are a complex condition caused by four main factors; hormones, overproduction of oil, bacteria buildup, and deadskin cell buildup that clog the pores. Besides these main factors there are some sneaky hidden factors that can contribute to that,..all of a sudden pesky break out.
My main concern when a new or long time client all of suddens has an acne breakout, I try to find the cause or root of the problem, instead of having a dermatologist putting them on the usual course of antibiotics. This is only a temporary fix not to mention harming and weakening our immune system, causing needless resistance to antibiotics.
My first question, anything new? Here are the examples I examine and are the very sneaky causes of acne;
Makeup Can Cause Acne Breakouts
Foundation makeup is on the skin for long periods sometimes 8 hours or more, and if they have pore clogging ingredients it causes Acne Cosmetica. These ingredients are the worst offenders, and what to look out for; Squaline and Wheat Germ Oil, Isopropyl Myristate, Algae Extract, Carrageenans, Red Algae, Potassium Chloride, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Hexadecly Alcohol and Laureth 4.
So many times this is the cause, the minute my client discontinues the acne causing foundation, their skin returns to it’s once beautiful glow in about four weeks time. There are 2 main name brands out there that are horrific acne triggers. They will remain nameless, but it’s always a slam dunk that’s it!
Medication Can Cause Acne Breakouts
Certain medications can aggravate and cause acne such as, Steroids, Prednisone, Lithium, Lithium Chloride and Androgens. If this is the case don’t stop medication! Consult with your physician to find a replacement drug with less side effects. Generic drugs can also cause allergies and acne because of their fillers used in the drugs, where the name brand was fine with no problems. If a Generic is your only option, there are different companies that produce generics with different fillers. Keep trying, it has worked out for several of my clients.
Hair Products Can Cause Acne Breakouts
All of those styling products that hold your hair in place, Gels, Pomades, Mouse and Hairspray are all fixatives and can affiliate your skin! They can seep and melt down on to your forehead and cheeks in everyday activity not to mention working out, trapping and sealing in acne causing bacteria. Make sure to remove all traces of hair product from your face. If it continues to be a problem and your skin is acne active discontinue your hair products for a while to see if it improves and or switch to a different hair product. There are some water soluble pomades that don’t clog the skin, and more skin friendly styling products on the market.<
Touching Your Face Can Cause Acne Breakouts
Hands off! Resting your chin on your hand while your working, or pressing your cell phone on your chin can contribute to acne. Anything with consistent or repeated or extended pressure on your skin can cause contact acne. Try and break that habit.
Cellphones Can Cause Acne Breakouts
Your I-phone, Galaxy, Android are petri dishes of oil, makeup and bad bacteria. It’s very likely it is causing your chin and mouth to breakout. Use alcohol or clorox wipes to clean them regularly.
Sunglasses Can Cause Acne Breakouts
Often times sunglasses that rest on the nose and across the cheeks always touching the face and harbor bacteria. Just whip them down the same time you whip down your cell phone.
Workouts Can Cause Acne Breakouts
I’m a huge advocate for working out for health and wellness! But running around with sweaty cloths and sweat oxidized facial pores can lead to what I call Aerobic Acne. All it takes is 20 minutes for the oil and sweat to oxidize and cause blackheads and acne not to mention the elastic held in sweat bra line, back and butt acne! Yoga matts also provide a fertile environment for bacteria. Always use a clean towel where your head and face will be. What ever your workout of choice is, always use your towel and water. Wet one end of the towel and whip off all traces of sweat immediately after your workout and shower asap!
Sunscreen Can Cause Acne Breakouts
YES you need it! Make sure its oil free and non-comedogenic. Look for sunscreen with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide they are the best and good for sensitive skin. Avoid the water resistant for your face and apply every 2 hours.
Diet Can Cause Acne Breakouts
Eat clean! Fruits, Vegetables, Protein. Free of dairy, sugar, carbs and processed foods, Studies indicate that certain dietary factors, including dairy products, bread, bagels and chips, which increase blood sugar may trigger acne.
Traveling Can Cause Acne Breakouts
Changes in your environment can cause acne. I call this Environmental Acne. The sudden change in time, water, weather, humidity, heat and food, can screw with our digestion, all causing breakouts. Try not to use the hotel products, bring your own products, and try and stick with what your used to eating for consistency to help combat all of these changes, and have fun!
Stress Can Cause Acne Breakouts
High level of stress triggers androgens, and a release of cortisol and adrenal steroids that stimulate the sebaceous glands. Make sure you get plenty of sleep, eat a healthy diet and squeeze in some exercise, because it elevates stress. Most important of all, BE GOOD TO YOURSELF!